February 10, 2009

iloved ilove

Wow - we had an outstanding night at our benefit date night, February 6th!

We were blown away by the love and support we felt from our friends who helped make the evening happen, who committed to pray for our adoption journey, and the funds raised to help the cause.

A special thank you to all for your amazing support! We are truly humbled and overwhelmed by your kindness.

People have wondered about the funds we were able to raise for the cause...

The benefit raised $6,000! This was far more than anticipated and makes a significant difference. $600 of that going into a church grant to help others in Watermark Church get started in the adoption process.

THANKS to all who served, who came, who prayed, who gave, and who may be starting their own journey in adoption.

We will continue to keep you updated.

Thanks again and may God bless you.

2 chit chats:

Gwen Jackson said...

If we weren't able to attend the ilove night, please let us know how we can contribute! I sent an rsvp email, but never heard back from you :).

James1:27 said...

Hey guys!! So excited the evening went so well! It is so awesome to see God equip and provide when He calls you to something! Awesome! Wished I could have been there! Now lets have some referrals!!

Love Michelle Fisher