May 4, 2009

A Dolly for little Mis!

I just bought a cute doll from North American Bear. They have a line called culture club kids and they are adorable. They are old fashioned, which I love. Can't wait to give it to our girl.
We also got a new picture of her from a family that traveled last week. What a blessing to see a new picture. She was smiling! Oh, see is so cute! I am getting very excited to bring her home. Hopefully soon!
Here is my dilema: what kind of shoes to wear in ET? I have been looking at Keens on ebay. Not sure if that is the best though. If you have an opinion feel free to share it with me, I just can't decide.
We are thoroughly enjoying the sun. YIPPEE!

2 chit chats:

Margaret and Cordel said...

OOOH!! Sounds like a super cute doll!!! So glad that you got a new pic! That is WONDERFUL!!!

HollyMarie said...

New pictures are just amazing! :)