June 4, 2009

I take that back!

So while I was posting that we haven't heard anything Vicki was chatting with our social worker who informed us that we passed!

I just got done posting the last post and got a call from Vicki telling me and so now I'm telling you.

So - thanks for the prayers and the little miss is coming to Michigan!

4 chit chats:

Kevin and Betsey said...

YEAH! YEAH! SO happy for you guys! We will continue to pray for you you prepare to travel, for all FOUR of your kids, and the two of you! This is an amazing journey you have been on and we are excited to watch it keep unfolding! Love you guys and looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!

The Addington's said...


Margaret and Cordel said...


Curt, Pam, Ryan and Carissa said...

Congratulations!! It is a wonderful feeling to finally KNOW you are going!! I was just telling someone that goes to Spring Lake Weslyan that you guys had your court hearing this week and were waiting to find out when and if you were going soon. YEAH!!