June 10, 2009

Waiting. . . .

For those following along - we are currently waiting for an embassy date. When we get an embassy date we will travel at that time and pick up our little lady. :)

Our hope is that we will travel in July, but one thing we've learned in this process is that there are no straight lines between deciding to adopt and being united with your child.

Steve is trying to pick up some Amharic and enjoys learning the language. Our little miss knows Amharic as a second language and does not know English so hopefully we'll make some good language connections as we move forward together.

We've started reading a great book dealing with building connections with adoptive children: Parenting your internationally adopted child. So far it's great and a bit overwhelming. Lots of challenges and wonderful adventures ahead!

Thanks for your encouragement, support, and interest.

2 chit chats:

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Huge congrats!!!!!

Awesome news, hope you get your embassy date really soon so you can get your sweet little girl ASAP.

James1:27 said...

Praying you guys hear real soon!! So excited for you guys!