July 26, 2009

Amazing Day with Watermark

Today we had a “Serve Day” in which we as a church spread to over twenty different sites to serve.  It was amazing to see Watermarkers serving and interacting with folks in the community.  This was the embodiment of the first part of our mission of “Being the Church.”  The church is not merely an organization, program, or building, but the Body of Jesus – the people.  So we as a faith family were “Being the Church” and making an ordinary attempt to do Jesus’ work in His way in this place.  The best part for me was watching our staff team lead the way and empower Watermarkers to lead.  (In other words – I (Steve) did not have to do any organizing, which is out of my ability zone!!!!)  Awesome team and awesome day!

Lots of folks gathered around us following our serve time to pray for our family as we gear up to travel to Ethiopia.  I thank God that we get to be a part of such an amazing community!

Looking forward to go and be the church in Ethiopia!