September 2, 2008

Americans adopting HIV positive children from Ethiopia.

HERE is a story about Americans adopting children from Ethiopia that are HIV positive. We thought it was interesting and find such stories inspirational.

When we bought a red Honda Civic back in the day I began to see red Honda Civics everywhere! Have you ever had that happen to you?

All of a sudden it seems like Ethiopian news stories and reports are everywhere. However, the stories haven't necessarily increased... our interest and passions have.
Therefore - we see the stories, the restaurants, the books, the web sites, etc...

Our decision to adopt from Ethiopia was a decision to also fall in love with a country and culture as well. We are excited to learn about Ethiopia and to absorb this great historic country into our family.

Our prayer is to be changed through this experience and recognize that our child will bring a newness to our family and make us truly a mult-cultural family. We are sure we'll discuss that part of it in the future, but for now enjoy the article.

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