April 17, 2009

The Fam is Expanding!

Well - we recently received amazing news that my sister and her husband received a referral for a girl around four to five years old from Ethiopia. We are so excited for them and are also thankful that our adoptive daughter and their's will have each other as they are a similar age.

So that will make three new grandkids for my folks in 2009 thanks to my new nephew Griffin in Arizona and now another precious little lady from Ethiopia!

4 chit chats:

HollyMarie said...

Oh, this is fantastic!!! :)

Kevin and Betsey said...

Would be so great if you could travel together...hey let us know if you need help with kids when you do travel!

Margaret and Cordel said...

That is just fantastic news! How wonderful if you were both in Ethiopia at the same time??!!! What a wonderful and special blessing!!

HollyMarie said...

Is your sister Jody by any chance??