April 17, 2009

Please just a shred of something new!

Since we got our referral for our little miss from Ethiopia we have read and re-read all the information we received about her. Her little round face has gone round and round in our minds. Her photo is on the fridge and looks over us as we eat together.

Now we wait for more information... a court date...

We hope for more pictures... an update... more information... anything.

Any scrap of information is like gold and so we wait.

3 chit chats:

HollyMarie said...

Did you ever say where your little sweetie is from? I have pictures of a sweet girl from Yezelalem Minch that I could share with you if she is one and the same. If not, I pray that you get some updated photos or information soon! :)

Kevin and Betsey said...

Saw your parents Saturday...and a picture of your sweet little girl!! She is adorable!! We are just so excited for you guys!! Looking forward to more kids at the cottage...shoot the tube here we come! :) Love you guys!

Margaret and Cordel said...

Isnt it so wonderful to be able to have this beautiful picture to look at??? It seems sureal at times stil!!!!! I cannot wait to see the face of your beautiful daugther!!!!!