Hey Everyone...
Could you please be praying for Misgana right now. They are taking her to DeVos Children's Hospital. She has not been eating anything for the past several days, so Misgana is dehydrated and they're concerned for her health. They will be making sure she gets an IV for fluids and nutrients, but they want to rule out any other physical problems.
The kids are being taken care of by Nana Hutt and they have plenty of food. There's no need to stop by and check on them at this time... they really need to just settle in a take the time to get to know each other. So the only thing they could really use right now is a bunch of us going to God on their behalf.
Thanks so much!! This is Thompson on behalf of the Deurs. And I would would always worry about me breaking into your personal blog by guessing your password.
Notoriously late update
2 years ago
2 chit chats:
Lynda and Jan's life group is praying
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